Worship Services

“To gather with God’s people in united adoration of the Father is as necessary to the Christian life as prayer.” – Martin Luther

“Worship changes the worshiper into the image of the One worshiped.” – Jack Hayford

The sixteenth-century Protestant reformer, Martin Luther, expresses a truth about worship with other brothers and sisters in Christ: It is “necessary to the Christian life.” None of us is a spiritual Lone Ranger. California pastor Jack Hayford identifies one of the chief reasons why worship is necessary for Christians: It changes us into the image of Christ. The weekly rhythm of worship gradually molds us more and more into Christ’s image by (re) focusing our hearts on Him, by challenging how we see the world and our role in it, and by reminding us of how God would have us live. In addition, the prayers renew and redirect us, and the music and hymns imprint the Gospel message on our souls.

We have resumed regular in person services each Sunday at 11:00 AM (at 10:00 AM during the summer). Masks are optional during indoor activities at SPC. We encourage people to follow their own conscience and be respectful of others. We thank everyone for their patience during this long ordeal and we pray that new variants will not force the imposition of future restrictions. We will continue to livestream worship on YouTube and have opportunities to participate in other church activities via Zoom.

Nursery care is available on Sunday mornings during Worship.