GROWING through Sunday School and SMALL Groups

Sunday School classes meet from 9:30-10:30 AM for Bible study and discussion about how we integrate the Bible’s teachings into our daily lives. (NOTE: Sunday School is at 9:00 AM and worship is at 10:00 AM from the Sunday before Memorial Day through the Sunday before Labor Day.)

Nursery care will be available on Sunday mornings during Sunday School and Worship. Parents are asked to notify the church office ( by 5:00 PM on Wednesday if they will need nursery care for the following Sunday.


Adult Classes will meet in person and on Zoom. Contact the class teacher or Janet Chisom to receive the Zoom link.

  • Disciple - “Disciple: Jesus in the Gospels.”  Each lesson takes two weeks, and involves daily study and scripture readings.  A video will be shown occasionally.  Contact Kathy Highsmith, Larry Curfiss or Janet Chisom.

  • Journey On - Follow Me Curriculum. This is the perfect class for parents with youth or children attending Sunday School. This adult class and all the children and youth study the same Bible passages each Sunday, enabling families to have wonderful conversations about faith during the week. Fran Ferguson will lead this class. Contact Fran Ferguson or Janet Chisom.

  • Kingdom Living - Studying the book “Meeting Jesus the Christ Again: A Conservative Progressive Faith” by Robert A. Chesnut  Contact Hank Sullivan or Janet Chisom.

  • New Members Class - This class is offered as people express interest in learning more about SPC. The Pastor meets with visitors and prospective members and gives them an overview and understanding of what it means to be Presbyterian as well as what it means to be a covenant member of Salem Presbyterian.

Youth and Children:

Youth and children meet in person on the second floor on Sunday mornings. They use the “Follow Me” curriculum. Youth engage in discussion and games. Children hear age-appropriate stories, play games, create art, and spend time outside as weather allows.