Registration Form

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Join us for Circle of Friends and IGnite (Intergenerational Fellowship) on Wednesday nights! 

Every Wednesday is CIRCLE OF FRIENDS for all ages. These nights begin with dinner at 5:30 PM, followed by a class for youth and adults, and lessons, crafts, games, and activities for Preschool through 5th graders.  We conclude at 7:15 PM.

On the second Wednesday of each month, we’ll have IGnite. These intergenerational nights also begin with dinner at 5:30 PM.  The activities and discussion that follow are for all ages together. 


Circle of Friends tuition is $40 per child for the semester and includes the intergenerational nights. Adults are asked to cover the cost of their meal on Circle of Friends nights and IGnite nights for $8/person ($4/child over 2 who is not enrolled in Circle of Friends).

 Need financial assistance? Click here.

Our prayer is that you will be blessed by your participation in the educational and fellowship programs of Salem Presbyterian Church. If you have questions or need more information, please contact Janet Chisom ( or Kim Murray (