Salem Presbyterian offers opportunities for children to worship, grow and serve along with their families, same-age peers, and other members of the congregation.


Presbyterians believe in one baptism that lasts a lifetime. When children are baptized, the congregation promises to help each child grow in Christian love. Each child is known by name as a unique, beloved child of God.


Children are welcome in worship. We offer children’s activity sheets, quiet “busy bags,” and a children’s message to explain the scripture reading of the day in child-appropriate terms. Children can participate in lighting candles during Advent (weeks leading up to Christmas) and process with palms on Palm Sunday (Sunday before Easter).  Musically-inclined children can sing, or play piano or other instruments.

 Worship options for the very young

Infants and pre-school children can stay in our Nursery during Worship. They are also welcome to stay with their parents. 


Learning about God and God’s love

We offer children’s, youth, and adult classes on Sunday mornings before Worship. Everyone in the family studies the same scripture, so that parents know what their children are learning and can continue the conversation throughout the week. During the school year, we offer a Wednesday night fellowship program called Circle of Friends. These evenings begin with dinner, followed by lessons, crafts, games, and activities.



Children are introduced to serving others through activities such as baking cookies and making cards for shut-ins, and handing out bulletins in Worship. Families can volunteer together to serve and help others.


Having fun

Children and older members of the congregation can get to know each other at events throughout the year, such as potluck meals (Presbyterians are good cooks!), our church picnic held at a playground, Christmas caroling, and more!