RoundTable, our mid-week program for students in kindergarten through 12th grade, will look different this year! Out of an abundance of caution, we do not believe we should meet in-person each week. We mourn the weekly loss of coming together to learn, sing, play, and eat with friends.
However, we are preparing for three gatherings in the fall: The first Wednesday of each month (October 7, November 4, and December 2) from 4:30-5:30 PM. These in-person gatherings will be at the church, outdoors, socially distanced, and masked. We will have time for fellowship, activities, prayers and a short lesson. If we can’t be in person (due to weather or the pandemic), we will gather those same days on Zoom. Links will be sent out to all registered participants, and groups will be divided by age.
How to register for RoundTable Fall 2020:
RoundTable is for K-12th graders and all interested should register. Although there will not be traditional classes or a meal, parents, teachers, table parents, and kitchen workers are invited to participate as we still wish it to be an intergenerational program. Therefore, adults should also register to indicate your interest and willingness to interact with our children and youth!
Fill out the form on the bottom and mail it to the church, or email the following information to Name, grade, email, phone number, and indicate whether you are interested in (A) only in-person, (B) only online, (C) both.
There is no fee for the fall session, whether it is in-person or online. Please register by September 30.
If you have questions, please contact Janet Chisom (, 389-3881) or Kim Murray (, 772-4466)